Shakti the power of women| 53mins
Director: Eva Cano, Eva Diaz and Paka Díaz | Producer: Sus Labores SL and New Atlantis & Secuoya
Focus Years: 2004 | Country: Spain
A widespread women’s movement is changing the image of 21st-century India. Discriminated against from birth, and even before they are born, Indian women are beginning to reclaim their place in this society. Stories such as that of Savita, a nine-year-old girl who is forced to marry, may seem to come straight from the Middle Ages, but they are everyday occurrences in India. Women’s unions, micro-credit systems and private struggles to ensure that the untouchables will be considered people are more active than ever in 2004, the International Year of the Indian Woman.
Shakti the power of women
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- Domestic violence in India
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