The Knasaimos People: Voices of Change from the Forests of Indonesia| 5mins
Director: Paul Redman | Producer: Tim Lewis
Focus Years: 2007 | Country: United Kingdom
Subject Tags: asia, environment, indigenous rights, indonesia, resources
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
Serimuk, West Papua, Indonesia: the Knasaimos people were severely affected by the illegal logging trade. This trade destroyed the livelihoods and social structure of their villages. A recent government enforcement action has since clamped down on this illegal logging. The film highlights the success of the enforcement and examines how the local communities will benefit from an increased share and control of their ancestral forestland. Affiliated Non-Governmental Organization (NGO): The Environmental Investigation Agency and Telapak have worked with the Knasaimos people since 2002. The two NGOs exposed the rampant illegal logging in the area that led to the government enforcement action in 2005. This work is part of their global campaign to promote ideas and distribute information to improve forest policy in Indonesia and throughout the world. They have since been initiated into the Knasaimos Tribe and continue to help them decide their future. These films explore how forest-dependant communities in Indonesia are finding their own solutions to the continuing unabated loss of their tropical rainforest. Traveling across Indonesia’s vast archipelago at the beginning of 2007 filming extensively throughout Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra and West Papua, we gained unique access to ordinary forest dwelling people and examined close-up their personal battle at the front-line of deforestation. For many the issues surrounding climate change, deforestation and illegal logging can seem inordinately complex; the human side - the personal stories - can often be forgotten. But occasionally these global problems can affect one tiny area; and suddenly, in a microcosm, all the devastation and horror take on a very real human face. The communities and villages featured in this serialization have all found themselves thrust into such a position.