Cammin Amare Liguria| 57mins
Director: Elisa Nicoli | Producer: Elisa Nicoli
Focus Years: 2008 | Country: Italy
Moving postcards from the Liguria coast: beauty and ugliness cohabitate in a narrow space, they mix, they confound, they do harm, and they give hope. In July 2008, Riccardo Carnovalini - photographer and walker -comes back on the Liguria coast to walk all along its 390 kilometers, in 19 days, from Carrara to Balzi Rossi. Mass tourism is always considered to be very lucrative for the territory, but this kind of richness seems to be calculated only on economical basis. Its consequences are not usually being taken into account: more waste, more cement, more air and water pollution. The documentary tries to explore all this problems, but it is a hybrid, because it does not only inform and denounce but tries also to balance between the horrors and beauty that still remain in some corners of Liguria.
Cammin Amare Liguria
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- Environmentalism
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