Crows| 14mins
Director: Mike McKinlay | Producer: Mike McKinlay
Focus Years: 2006 | Country: Canada
“Crows†tells a thematic story of one of the most mysterious of all birds. With discussion on everything from their rigid black feathers and nightly roosting antics, to their representation of deathly omens, “Crows†takes its viewers through a visually stunning and atmospheric journey. This journey touches on not only the physical facts of these lucid birds, but also their role in mythology and their misunderstood place in present human society. Crows are the underdogs of the bird world, and ironically one of the top three most intelligent birds on earth. This is the story of the corvids’ distinct mystery, their provocative past, and their ability to thrive amongst a growing human population.
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- Cultural Ecology
- Deep Ecology
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- Ecology
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- Naturophathy
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- Philosophy Of Science
- Religious Belief
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- Sustainable Development
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- Agroecology
- Agronomy
- Ayurveda
- Belief
- Cosmology
- Cultural Ecology
- Deep Ecology
- Eco Crisis
- Eco Feminism
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecology
- Ecosystem
- Epistemology
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