Whose Skin Are You In?| 3mins
Director: PETA | Producer: PETA
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: India
Pledge that the only skin you are in is your own! Every year, industries that sell animal skin as clothing - such as fur, leather, wool and exotic skins - slaughter more than one billion animals, and the animals are often kept in hellish conditions on factory farms until they meet their deaths. On factory farms, animals are kept in crowded conditions and confined to tiny cages. They are deprived of basic care and everything that is natural and important to them. The fate of each animal killed for his or her skin varies. Leather production is cruel worldwide. In Western countries, animals suffer the horrors of factory farming, including tail-docking and dehorning, castration without anesthesia, and cruel treatment during transport and slaughter. Countries like India, Pakistan and China either have no animal welfare laws whatsoever, or have laws that are blatantly ignored. Some leather from China is made from the skins of domestic dogs and cats rounded up from the streets and barbarically killed. Leather from countries like Bangladesh comes from animals that are illegally smuggled from India. Snakes and lizards are often skinned alive because people believe that it makes leather suppler. Kid goats are often boiled alive to make gloves, and unborn calves are sometimes purposely aborted for their skin, which is considered especially "luxurious". Millions of dogs and cats are killed for their fur in China. Many of those furs are deliberately mislabeled, and they are often bought by unsuspecting consumers. Every bit of animal skin, no matter how small, represents the intense suffering of all animals that are killed to make clothing. Every fur coat, every leather shoe, every snakeskin wallet - it is all the same because it is their skin, not ours.
Whose Skin Are You In?
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Wikipedia :
- Animal Cognition
- Animal Cruelty
- Animal Ethics
- Animal Rights
- Animal Testing
- Animal Trapping
- Animal Welfare
- Conservation
- Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Psychology
- Culture
- Deep Ecology
- Domestic Violence
- Human-Animal Communication
- Religious Violence
- School Violence
- Socio-cultural Evolution
- Sociocultural Evolution
- Speciesism
- Structural Violence
- Victimization
- Violence
- Violence Against LGBT
- Violence Against Women
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