Bridging Heaven & Earth with Mary Saint-Marie and Lessia Music Videos| 58mins
Director: The Bridging Heaven & Earth Foundation | Producer: The Bridging Heaven & Earth Foundation
Focus Years: 2006 | Country: United States
Mary, joyous and loving collaborator in the International Bridging Heaven & Earth Art Project, is a mystic artist/writer, spiritual educator and visionary. Nature was the first potent childhood teacher of Mary. Here she learnt she could experience a deep connectedness with nature. Her formal university education included a degree in Education-English, after which she spent eight years teaching high school and college English, Mythology and Communication. She was also a coordinator in public educational TV. Simultaneously Mary studied fine arts at the University of Wisconsin. Soon after this Mary had a spontaneous soul merging which was followed by a head-on car collision that provided the opening to see her life via her soul, as pure joy. After this, Mary could see emanations of light around living things. The exalted experience of the collision initiated a new life. Mary was inspired to begin her life as an artist and to make a solo journey 'overland', with a kelty pack filled with one change of clothing and art supplies on her back, to Spain, Morocco, Italy, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Kashmir, where she felt the art, culture, heart and soul of those people and began to find the Silence within. Her first exhibit was created on that journey. Mary's visionary art is inspirational and mirrors our Oneness with Creator AS Creation. It is a reflection of the sacred marriage of earth and sky. It is a journey into the land of Archetypal realms of the wholeness that Already IS. The paintings are witness to the Law of Balance, that is the law of love. The paintings reveal the Dance of the One as the yin and yang of the Universe. The paintings are multi-dimensional, multi-technique and multi-media. They are a unique and an inwardly guided expression. Mary's paintings and work are featured in One Source Sacred Journeys, Songs from the Edge of Everything and The Ways of Spirit. Her art is collected nationally and internationally and has appeared on cards, calendars and magazines, such as Quest, Mystic Pop and Anemone in Japan. Mary's Art-of-the-Soul has appeared on television nationwide on stations such as the Wisdom Channel. Her art and words have been featured on television cross Germany.
Mary has been pioneering visionary art exhibitions that reveal universal principles of Oneness since 1972 in galleries, conferences, symposiums, expositions, fairs and workshops. Her mystic art has been in more than 140 art exhibits, including a castle in Belgium. The writings, poetry and art of Mary Saint-Marie are in her 5 books. Mary just returned from a sabbatical in Taos, New Mexico where she finished her most recent books, which are The Holy Sight, Messages from the Silence, Nectar of Woman and The Sacred Two. The book Holy Sight came after 20 years of sharing in individual Soul Sessions about holy relationships with everyone and everything. Mary began teaching others how to use these principles even in large law suits where amazing shifts began to happen. She has also taught The Holy Sight workshops where others can learn how to do this for themselves as well as with others. Most recently Mary has completed two bronze sculptures, inspired by a vision into the realm of the female quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent that reveals once again, the marriage of yin and yang that already exists as our Being. She has also begun a third card line. The book that has been released as of October 2006 is The Sacred Two. This book features over 50 paintings in full color; it is a 'heralding of the sacred partners as the foundation of the emerging world of conscious Oneness.' Soul Sessions and Soul Retreats for individuals are also shared. Mary has been working with others since 1988 to come into Presence and allow the principles of Oneness to operate in their lives. Mary's art, sculpture, cards, books and Soul Sessions work may be seen on her website: http://www.MarySaintMarie.com
Bridging's website is: http://www.HeavenToEarth.com
Bridging Heaven & Earth with Mary Saint-Marie and Lessia Music Videos
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