Dreamcatchers| 1hr : 22mins
Director: Mike Handcock | Producer: Mike Handcock
Focus Years: 2010 | Country: New Zealand
Dreamcatchers follows the story of 9 individuals all of whom come from very different backgrounds, families and ethnicity. From Laura, born in Bakersfield, California, and working as a jewelery designer based in Las Vegas, to Maya born in Pakistan and living a wealthy lifestyle running her charity in Mumbai, India, all the people may seem very different but there is one thing in common. All these people have realized there is a much bigger game to play in this lifetime than the one they have been playing and all of them are manifesting some amazing things about themselves and others.
Mike Handcock and Dave Rogers uncover a law so ancient it has existed since before written history. They also uncover some of the biblical and spiritual prophecy that is the reason these 9 individuals have become who they are. Take Glen Levy, who at 12 was losing martial arts contests to 8 year olds, yet overnight became virtually unbeatable. Now being classed by National Geographic as 'the most dangerous man on the planet', he is using his incredible skill as a grand master at age 31 to help people get in touch with who they really are and create incredible lives for themselves.
Dreamcatchers will challenge you at numerous levels of your existing education and experience. It may change who you are or wish to be or you simply may decide that everything you have learnt about the world and life to date is correct and this is not. One thing is for sure, you won't be able to ignore it.
Shot in 11 countries around the world, from the Tombs of Egypt to the Ice of Alaska, Dreamcatchers is part documentary and part ancient story telling. See it for yourself and you decide:
Who are you really?
1hr : 22mins
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