Darkness Into Light: Following the Spirit | 56mins
Director: Robert S Cozens | Producer: Patricia Lacy Collins
Focus Years: 2005 | Country: United States
To understand the role of public devotions in Mexican life today, one must understand what
they have cost. From the 1840’s until the 1990’s, successive Mexican governments have sought to control and frequently to suppress the religious life of the people. Suppression became particularly bitter following the Constitution of 1917. In a country with almost 90% of the population professing the Catholic faith, how could this be? Following the Spirit, the third documentary in the Darkness into Light series, brings the story of the spiritual journey of the people of Mexico to the present time. It traces a long- standing friction between church and state that resulted, in the 19th and 20th centuries, in somber and bloody repression of religious and human rights in Mexico. Leading historians paint a broad canvas of multiple struggles little known outside of that country.
The historians and writers who tell this story, include Drs. John Mason Hart, Guadalupe
Jimenez Codinach, Manuel Ramos Medina, Raul Gonzalez Schmal, Elena Poniatowska, and
John Meyer. The irrepressible spirituality of contemporary Mexico plays against the dark years of
struggle. Observances of the Days of the Dead, the revived processions of Corpus Christi,
and the canonization of San Juan Diego provide memorable counterpoints. Today resolution of the conflict is underway. As never before, the Mexican people can
choose to believe or not believe in matters of religion. Believers once again can profess
their faith in an open and communal manner. What will the future hold? This is a story for our time, our world.
Darkness Into Light: Following the Spirit
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