Wholebody Focusing| 1hr : 52mins
Director: Nada Lou | Producer: Nada Lou
Focus Years: 2004 | Country: Canada
Wholebody Focusing is the innovative work of Kevin McEvenue, powerfully combining the principles of Eugene T. Gendlin’s Focusing Process with the Alexander Technique. In Wholebody Focusing we get in touch with the self in a whole body kind of way. This invites spontaneous movement and a sense of inner direction. We can then allow any particular part of us that needs special attention to come into relationship with this Wholebody sense. This video illustrates how Wholebody Focusing comes out of the blending of these two processes. Dr. Eugene Gendlin developed Focusing as a teachable way to access our own body knowing. He called it, a felt sense. Felt sense can “open†into a whole field of intricate detail, from which surprising steps of change come. F.M. Alexander discovered the importance of activating a physical functioning that awakens the body as a whole towards a sense of expansion and inner flow. Wholebody Focusing puts these two pieces together in a way that enhances both. What is new to Focusing is the quality of inner directed physical movement that is activated? The sense of the whole person is maintained and strengthened as a relationship builds between ‘me’ physically grounded in the sense of the whole of myself in movement and something that wants my attention. The holding of both at the same time creates a dynamic inner directed movement from the familiar to new functional changes that are needed as a next step, safely grounded in the body. What is new to the Alexander Technique is deep respect for the story embedded in a stuck place that holds the key to its new possibilities and transformation?
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Wholebody Focusing
1hr : 52mins
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