Oil and Water, reflections on nature, madness and psyche| 26mins
Director: Corwin Fergus | Producer: Corwin Fergus
Focus Years: 2005 | Country: United States
Filmed before and after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, "Oil and Water - reflections on nature, madness and psyche" is a portrait of Prince William Sound. It is a love song to nature, a mourning cry for the wounded natural world, and an exploration of our relationship to the earth.
Oil and Water, reflections on nature, madness and psyche
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- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
- Land Ethic
- Nature
- Prince William Sound
- Afterlife
- Agroecology
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Ecology
- Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Psychology
- Culture
- Deep Ecology
- Eco Crisis
- Eco Feminism
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecology
- Ecosystem
- Enlightenment
- Environmentalism
- Ethereal Being
- Habitat Conservation
- Health
- Interdependence
- Introspection
- Meditation
- Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
- Mysticism
- Nature Connectedness
- Nondualism
- Overexploitation
- Philosophy of Environment
- Pollution
- Religious Experience
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Socio-cultural Evolution
- Sociocultural Evolution
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Spirituality
- Supermind
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development
- Transcendence
- Understanding Environment
- Water Pollution
- World Environmental Issues
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