Darkness Into Light: Semana Santa, San Miguel| 56mins
Director: Robert S Cozens | Producer: Patricia Lacy Collins
Focus Years: 1997 | Country: United States
Two weeks before Easter in San Miguel de Allende, people of all ages accompany an image of Christ Scourged at the Pillar seven miles into town. Here the documentary begins, at midnight, at the Sanctuario de Atotonilco.
The following days are filled with traditional reenactments of the events of The Holy Week that leads slowly, surely to Good Friday and ultimately to the lighting of the new fire on Easter Sunday. History and music enrich the recounting of colorful contemporary events
On Good Friday, the camera follows three separate processions. During one, a life sized image of Jesus Christ and his Mother is carried towards Calvary. At one place, Christ meets his Mother and lifts his head in recognition. For a moment, the heart of San Miguel stops.
Later in the Holy Burial procession, the coffin of Christ is carried through the streets as it has been for three hundred years. Thousands of Mexicans honor this silent, somber remembrance. This is their story.
Darkness Into Light: Semana Santa, San Miguel
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