We Are All One: Interview with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, A Sufi Teacher| 51mins
Director: Scott Carter, Ward M. Powers and Diane Powers | Producer: Scott Carter, Ward M. Powers and Diane Powers
Focus Years: 2002 | Country: United States
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee was interviewed in Fall 2002 as part of an independent film project titled We Are All One by Circle of Bliss Productions. The project, an exploration of spirituality in the new millennium, began in 2002. The filmmakers have interviewed over 100 people across the world. Asking the same thirty questions of all interviewees, from spiritual teachers to atheists to the homeless, they seek to produce and promote messages of mutual respect, understanding, love, and oneness. "It is time for the world to remember that it belongs to God."
We Are All One: Interview with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, A Sufi Teacher
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