A Journey of Awakening| 14mins
Director: Kim Ramsay | Producer: Kim Ramsay
Focus Years: 2008 | Country: Australia
A Journey of Awakening presents a compelling insight into the inspiring message and work of Isira - a young Australian woman, a modern spiritual master. Isira is a presence of unconditional love and compassion. Using experiential teachings, Isira has the capacity to touch us at our deepest core and guide us back to the love, peace and power that is deep within each of us. Isira’s central message is that we must awaken our consciousness to transcend the fear and destructive nature of our ego to attain true peace and happiness in our lives and to bring a future of peace and well-being to earth. This awakening allows us to know the oneness and connectedness of all. She sees that this is no longer a matter of leisure but a quest that we must embark on for the sake of human evolution and the well-being of ourselves and the planet.
A Journey of Awakening
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