Heaven On Earth: Islam| 25mins
Focus Years: 2004 | Country: Ireland
Five times a day, one fifth of the world's population falls on its knees in prayer, facing Mecca. Presenter Christy Kenneally explores the Muslim faith and how the people have expressed their belief in art and architecture.
Religious doctrine has always directly influenced the evolution of art and architecture. The prohibition of representational art in the Koran led to the development of abstract, geometrical decoration in mosques; the spire of a medieval Gothic cathedral is a representation in stone of human aspirations to reach a heaven that is, quite literally, in the sky above; the fact that Hinduism feels more at home with the sensual than most religions is obvious in its iconography.
Each program in ‘Heaven on Earth’ deals with a different branch of faith - from Christianity, Islam and Judaism to Buddhism, Hinduism and the ancient and all-encompassing creed of Paganism. Through the great shrines of each religion, the civilizations that founded them are explored together with the art of their construction, the unity and division they have engendered and the devotion that sustains them today.
Heaven On Earth: Islam
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