Creating the Universe: the meaning behind the Shiva Linga| 15mins
Director: Vighnesh Maharaj Peters | Producer: Cornelis Peters, Dr VP Mohana Kumari, Vighnesh Peters
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: Netherlands
The Shivalingam is the symbol of our universe. This form encompasses all the matter contained in our universe. The Shivalingam is the balance between Shiva and Shakti, male and female power.
Since the big bang, the universe expands. We are in an ever changing environment and that affects every cell in our body.
Man, a microcosm of the macrocosm, is undergoing the evolution of the universe in three ways: death, life and death followed by rebirth. With our personality and the ability to control our lives as we wish, we are part of the future of the cosmos. We thus have influence on the evolution of the cosmos. This time it is becoming increasingly clear that we have great influence on our lives.
This film lifts a piece of the veil on why we are on earth and what we have to do here.
Creating the Universe: the meaning behind the Shiva Linga
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