Transforming Anger and Resistant Emotions Guided Meditation| 13mins
Director: Shelley Pearce B.S., M.A. | Producer: Robert Strock M.A., L.M.F.T
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: United States
Learning a 3 step process of becoming aware of the ways you are resisting and fighting others, being kind in the way you see this resistance, and focusing on the exact opposite state: one of peace, strength, and kindness, to support well being. The main objective of this meditation is to entice the viewer to apply this theme in their own lives by doing the inquiry and personal integration: Where do you most resist and get angry? How kind can you be, as you see your resistance? What is the healing state that is the opposite of your resistance? The practice can be done alone or with a friend. Take a few minutes to contemplate the question. When done with another, it is essential that the listener remains neutral. If you are with a partner repeat this inquiry as needed to help maintain focus.
Transforming Anger and Resistant Emotions Guided Meditation
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