In Her chest
She gathers the soul-sparkles
The beings and becoming children of Dawn
Incubating seen unseen events
In Her womb!
She’s seen springing in downward sprite
Clad in Kali’s smile
Penetrating the home of the mortals!
Armed with Love’s warriors
Faiths and Will
She has landed here among us
With the word from Ether
To make the final master strokes
On ‘the canvas’ crowded by face o’ chaos…
Her ethereal strokes in countless colors, each for each
To mutate ‘the frame’ into a farm of infinity
Which flowers simplicity, serenity, singularity
Whence His knowledge is unveiled by Faiths
Her action, unfolded by Will.
Into the gate of our home we call Gaia
Stands now a conjoined shadow of smile n smirk
Gifting us an appearance of choice
For the destiny already scribed
in Her glory’s gold.

Divine Feminine? How do we see it?
Divine Feminine is the most intense force which is,
relentlessly at work; integrally present in all details, all aspects, all moments,
with perfect discrimination and proportion;
equally poised in light or dark as the eternal, lasting love.
When perceived, it is the grand subjective reality, that is
infusing, creating, fermenting, designing and transforming the objective reality,
at micro as well as macro planes of life.

A festival, as an ode to the Feminine at work in the world!
This festival is now inviting from across the globe, the soul of our species — the artists/life-designers — the teachers, mothers, healers and all lovers of humanity and our planet! The festival aims to gather the global community of essential workers of Her light, to explore, express and enlighten our collective being which is in the midst of an evolutionary birth. Whether you are a worker or worshiper of Her light, you are welcome to register your membership in the ‘global feminine’ community, and have special access to group-events at this festival. If you wish to express your camaraderie at this festival, you are welcome to submit your film/documentary that is aligned with the mission and themes.
In the current age of misidentified ‘masculine’, and difficulties in discovering the authentic ‘feminine’, a global platform with a gaze over our contemplations and activations, is an imperative need of our time. Behind the frightening face of our current world, lurks the peaceful and creative smile of the Divine Mother! Shall we discover and unveil it for our beloved humanity? In camaraderie, let’s become the perfect contributors to the integral vision of ‘that’ coveted future — the future of Life in Mother Earth! Whether you possess the will or wish towards this mission, shall we simply gather at this festival to sing in unison, and become the global heart of the ‘Grand Feminine’?
Internal Announcement: December 5, 2022
Social/Media + Partner Announcement: February 20, 2023
Last Submission (Film + Event-Proposal): July, 2023
Festival Launch: August, 2023
Festival Duration: 30-60 days (To be determined in July)
Online Screenings and Events Schedule: To be announced closer to the launch date.
Film Screening Format: 3-7 screenings of each participating film in this festival. Live screenings across the globe, of one or more films as per the need by the community/organizer. Community/school/third-party film-screening requests will be passed directly to the filmmaker(s). Free NFT-drop to be offered for each film participating in the ‘Global Feminine’ festival-archive (which can be screened for free or for pay/view at a cost deemed fair by the filmmaker).
Top Ten Films:
The ten films voted the most (by the volunteering curators across the world) for its alignment with the festival mission, and also viewed the most by the global audiences arriving at the venue, will get the opportunity to be either presented to and selected by TV networks and ott distributor(s), or receive a token fund for their film project. Please note: Regarding the distribution and promotion of thus elected film, the participating group of TV networks and ott distributor(s), hold the right to select and promote the film or not, as per their own guidelines. Five of these ten films, which will receive a token fund, will be selected by the global team of volunteering curators and the festival panel/advisory committee.
Besides film-screenings: Free or paid live events (organized by festival partners) + Post-screening talks with filmmakers and/or with special guests from different countries (organized by filmmakers, festival partners or CU festival team) + Rich index of reading material (books, articles, Wikipedia) + Ability to directly sell/purchase film(s) + Connecting with any filmmaker or a partner.
‘Global Feminine’ beyond this grand gathering:The ‘Global Feminine’ thus gathered at this special event, will open the festival with a live, silent song of meditation, ushered by one of the elders from the ‘Global Feminine’ advisory committee. This instrumental community will self-govern itself with the help of the guides/advisory-elders and stay alive post festival through collaborations, collective-contemplations, global-meditations, special one-day screenings from festival archive, live chats/talks, workshops or retreats with the aims for education, healing and transformation.
- Divine Feminine: Our perceptions of Her Spirit
- Four Fundamental Aspects: Divine Mother; Sacred Fighter; Sweet Lover; Soulful Teacher
- Superconscient Visions: Dream dispatched by Her through special souls
- Sacred Speech: Her presence and ‘word’ relayed to mass humanity
- The Mother: Universal symbol and significance behind it
- Global Feminine: Poetic or prophetic expressions and actions as rays of Her light
- Her Workers, Weavers & Warriors: Teachers, Healers, Creative Artists, Activists, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Mothers
- Integral Masculine: The masculine energy demystified
- ‘Life’ In Her: Earth as Her ‘cosmic womb’
- Sacrificial Fire: Divine activism to manifest future
- Grand Mission: Her mission & manifesto for humanity
- Fundamental Fields of Her evolutionary works: Education; Health; Aesthetics; Enterprise; Governance; Science; Spirituality
Themes (Workshops):
- Healing through Wholeness of Beauty (by healers)
- Cultivating Intuitive Intelligence (by teachers)
- Discovering & Fueling Collective Will (by activist/leader/entrepreneur)
- Clarifying Receptivity & Creativity (by creative/artist)
- Tuning into the Integral Sight (by teachers)
Please fill the form here for each film you wish to submit, and upload your film(s) to the Culture Unplugged films-drop-box.
- 1) Any form : Films of any length. (Shorts and Features)
- 2) Film projects which are open to non-exclusive distribution (online/webcast, worldwide).
- 3) Films which are in English or suitably sub-titled in English (films originally produced in regional languages are welcome). Multiple submissions are welcome.
- 4) Entries for selection are required to be sent in digital (upload) only.
- 5) For festival participation, films/videos must fit the festival theme and criteria.
- 6) With the consent, top most popular films by the audience will be shared with TV networks in USA, Europe, Asia and Pacific for possible viewerships in respective countries.
- 7) With this participation, you are opting in to be the permanent member of ‘Global Feminine’.
As this festival is our joint contribution to humanity, in the spirit of mutuality, respect and gratitude, shall we bring simplicity in all our ways of uniting, operating and serving? Shall we simply and respectfully unite with the 2 primary terms mentioned below? To review the Terms of participation in details, please follow the submission process. Two primary terms are:
1. Your participation in this festival will be considered to be your consent to present media via Culture Unplugged for the duration of the festival period. Post festival, you may choose to remove the film or may continue to participate in the Culture Unplugged Festival Archive. The request for film removal can be sent via email, and it will be furnished within 1 to 4 weeks.
2. Your film/video on this venue can raise funds from the global viewers, and receive it directly into your digital wallet. 100% of the amount contributed will be passed directly to you. Festival site will only facilitate, and will not retain any amount contributed by the viewer to your story or cause. When your film/project receives funds, you may choose to contribute a percentage you deem fair, to Culture Unplugged Festival/Archive.
Together we are! In mutuality and gratitude, lets cherish our camaraderie in this special event designed to support the deepest calling to birth anew, the expiring humanity! Let's gather at this event and sing in unison to vibrate our species to a new level of becoming!