Serving through the film-festivals!
current openingsWhat contribution is needed?
You will be contributing to the upcoming film-festival!
Culture Unplugged festivals are non-commercial, global, open and inclusive. Basic contribution to the festivals require passion for films, documentaries, storytellers & digital media; and proficiency in English language & communications. Commitment of 6 months is required at the minimum for mutual acquaintance and discovery of synergy. Upon completion of six months, the relationship could be further explored for another two years or longer, if the intention to commit to a long-term mutuality or to participate in commune is sensed. Contribution to the festival requires spending time concentrated on the computer doing search/research on the internet & intranet, collaborating with the team to develop internal database, communicating with the storytellers across the globe via email/video or watching films/documentaries for curation. Creative thinking would be required to perform the search to discover films/documentaries/talks which match the mission and themes of the festival, and to participate in the collective contemplation of the festival team to evaluate and curate special/sensitive films.
When you are on exploration during the special phase of acquaintance, in the beginning your contribution will be in free form, which can include festival functions along with other organizational/operational efforts. Please note that the style of operations and collaborations at CU are informal and organic, while the solo-work and contribution need to be attentive and profound. The ‘work’ at CU means not only outward/professional performance, but primarily, a devotion to the mission of mutuality, peace and growth of the self and the collective. In this light, CU believes in the undisturbed/undistracted attention and love for work and people, whether full-time or part-time. CU also perceives the org-structure to be in the form of a flower, with a perfect number and nature of petals, centered around a perfect ‘becoming’, for which each soul contributing at CU is responsible.
Why will you join?
Life within you and everyone must be respected, as it is the expression of the Divine. Hence, it is extremely important to inquire where your passion in life is at this phase of your journey. If it is fully, and not partly, aligned with Culture Unplugged mission, you will experience harmony. Your passion for work should blossom the passion in the rest of the team/environment, which alone could help harmonize personal lives with the expectations/dreams and needs of each other and the mission — the only sure way to become ‘one’. CU intends to create a culture where devotion and sincerity for the life purpose/mission becomes a joyous collective experience.
With aspiration to pursue life of spirituality, we believe in and expect true devotion to the work before us—that is, without judgment of what it requires from whom. If/when conflict arises, we believe in resolving it with clear communication, mindful space, respect, kindness and above all creativity. In short, finding joy and calm in all circumstances is true prayer to us, finding growth in the inner experience and in the way we work and contribute to humanity is true measure to us!
To birth such reality, accurate sharing of knowledge, experience and aspirations in life is must. Hence, when you contact us, please share if you have desire to explore the geography of the region; or need to live in the urban social environments; or prefer good/easy transport to the city; or need time to travel to other towns/cities of India. Above all, please share if you are able to perceive work and life not as separate but as one spiritual expression of life in you!
Let’s promote clarity & consciousness! Let's ensure harmonious relationship with work and each other! Let’s surrender to the Supreme Being to guide our connection and discovery!
Festival Functions:
- Communication
- Curation
- Curators' Collective & Data Management
- Curation Guide
- Technology
- Discover & Invitation
- Social, Events & Workshop Organization
- Scheduling, Publishing, Online Posts/Promotions
- Partner + Panel Relations
Who is Culture Unplugged?
Story of the ServiceWill you like to Join now?
current openings