Kobi Davidian

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Turbulence| 1hr : 22mins
Director: Kobi Davidian & Roni Livneh | Producer:
Focus Years: | Country: Israel
Subject Tags: community, conflict, crime, culture, human rights, israel, middle east
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
On June 10th 1982, the eve of the first Lebanon War, a 21-year-old Jewish girl named Dafna Carmon left a friend's house near her home. She was never seen alive again. Two years later, four Arab Bedouins were arrested. For 27 years now they have been serving a life sentence for kidnapping, rape, and murder. For all of those years they have been pleading their innocence. One day in 2006, Arial Livneh gets a surprising call from Shata prison; on the other side is Camal Sbehi. Livneh, an Ashkenazi Jew, pensioner of Israel's General Security Service, and a doctor of criminology, decides to dive into a labyrinth of deception, discoveries, motivations, and frustrations. His four-year-long obsessive journey will take him to 1980s Israel and through abandoned and dusty police and court archives. He will locate and meet any person that knew Dafna or were somehow connected to the case. The stream of new information that he discovers raises many tough questions about the process that convicted the four Arab Bedouins. Can a journey to the past change the future?
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Kobi Davidian



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