Mohammadreza Shams

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Half Social Half Individual| 2mins
Director: Mohammadreza Shams | Producer:
Focus Years: | Country: Iran, (IR)
Subject Tags: governance, middle east, politics
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
When we deeply think about the debates between Plato and the advocates of democracy in ancient times, we look to find a way to answer the questions Plato’s regarding the ability of people to make the best choice, including all opinions far from the dictatorship of the majority. It is perhaps progressive democracies that accumulate all the votes. The only way that we can find is a combination between Plato’s opinion as a republican, and that of democratic thought. Democracy is like white radiation, it appears through a combination of other lights in equal amounts. But that which we see is a different radiation, one that we are able to see with the others that are also included. In this short experimental film, all colors and races drawn to the purest form of democracy will demonstrate equal votes with equal time for hearing, speaking and seeing, without consideration of “the white one” - like or dislike.

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Mohammadreza Shams

Iran, (IR)


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