Phil Daenzer

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DANCE OF HANDS - The Renaissance of the Sign Language of the Deaf in Europe| 1hr : 07mins
Director: Phil Daenzer & Peter Hemmi | Producer:
Focus Years: | Country: Switzerland
Subject Tags: africa, communication, education, europe, identity, switzerland
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
DANCE OF HANDS is an unusual love story, that tells the love of the Deaf for their very own language, the language of signs. It is a language that through the 19th and 20th centuries was banned in many countries as being “ape-like”. “Dance of Hands” attempts to show that on the contrary, sign language is a complete language, richly expressive and beautiful. It leads the viewer to the cultural centres of the Deaf in Europe, and to ongoing research into sign language in France, Switzerland, Germany and Sweden. It also introduces a number of Deaf poets, actors and dancers. And it shows Deaf children and adolescents at school in Geneva and Stockholm, where they are taught also using sign language. The documentary presents the world oft he Deaf from their own point of view. Co-director Peter Hemmi and Cinematographer Enrico de Marco are Deaf, Co-director and producer Phil Daenzer is hearing-impaired.

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Phil Daenzer



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