Pohl Christoph

Come for a forest walk with me...
Hoping for your support to Auroville's reforestation work to continue...
Much love from here to there

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Ever Slow Green| 56mins
Director: Christoph Pohl | Producer:
Focus Years: | Country: India
Subject Tags: asia, compassionate activists, discoveries, earth as her, enlightened teachers, india, sacrificial fire, science
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
50 years ago, a unique afforestation project took root on an eroded desert plateau in Tamil Nadu, South India, when people from diverse countries came together to establish the international experimental township of Auroville. Initially driven by the necessity to make the harsh conditions more liveable, the idealism of some early residents lead them to develop expertise in cultivating the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest, a rare forest type native to the coastal belt of Tamil Nadu. Today, the lush Auroville forest is an outstanding example of eco-restoration that recreates and preserves a type of tropical forest that is on the verge of extinction. Ever Slow Green tells the story of Auroville's 50-years-young forest through some of the diverse characters who have dedicated their lives to bringing it to fruition. Please contact the storyteller, to receive subtitles in .srt format for this film in the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Kurdish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appeal for the Auroville Forest Group The Auroville Forest Group is a collective of individual Aurovilians with the common task of maintaining and developing the Auroville forest land and green spaces, of which there is currently approx. 1250 acres and currently has 44 separate stewarded areas. The Forest Group is made up of land stewards, co-stewards and Aurovilians working within or for the forest. With approximately 80 members, the group is very diverse with 17 nationalities being present with a 3:1 male to female ratio. There has been a recent cut in funds and the forests of Auroville need to raise about ₹1,000,000 (about €11.000) per month to sustain the planting and management. If you are able to help out or would like to get additional information about the current situation in Auroville, please get in touch at

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Pohl Christoph



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