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Global Voice, by & for The Feminine! Listen Now!
Her Workers, Weavers & Warriors! Listen them talk!
Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus on The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, & Zero Net Carbon Emissions
IIEP was pleased to host a conversation with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
Shakti - The Feminine Power
This TEDx talk by Srividya Nagaraju is about the evolving role and power of Indian Women in history and current times;...
Adam Alpert
The Stoic Entrepreneur: Ancient Wisdom for your Entrepreneurial Journey
Adam hopes that his talk empowers the audience with how to deal with life's challenges and inspires them to push forward...
Bioneers Org
Gender Equity and Reconciliation - Cynthia Brix, William Keepin, Zanele Khumalo
This video is part of a series called "Seeding the Field: 30 Years of Transformative Solutions," which celebrates some...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
When My Masculine Met My Feminine
Tijana Tamburic is a storyteller, a tough freelancer and the co-founder of Female Narratives. Moreover, she is a female...
Bioneers Org
Daughters for Earth: Women and the Climate Change Movement
Women all over the globe, especially in the “developing world,” are the ones who most often bear the brunt of having...
Bioneers Org
Reconnecting to Nature, the Earth, and Each Other
This video is part of a series called "Seeding the Field: 30 Years of Transformative Solutions," which celebrates some...
Bioneers Org
Jensine Larsen - The Electric Pulse of Women Transforming our World
Growing up in rural Wisconsin, Jensine Larsen scoured news publications for the voices of women teachers. When she...