VEDAS & ECOFEMINISM - In Conversation with Vandana Shiva
Infinity Foundation Official

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Glimpse of the GLOBAL FEMININE among our human clan...

Global Voice, by & for The Feminine! Listen Now!

Her Workers, Weavers & Warriors! Listen them talk!

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The online film archive supports schools, universities, NGOs and other civil-service organizations across the globe on the principle of gift-economy. Watch films (documentaries, short films, talks & more) and promote filmmakers. Join this community of soulful storytellers from myriad cultures, in their mission to promote global consciousness. Empower their willful hearts, who see the future to be united and harmonious, who aspire for the wellbeing of all. Support learning about the ‘self’, culture, nature and the eternal soul – the evolution of life.
Support the humanity in the process of becoming ‘that’...

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